Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 4

Today was Day 4.

We started camp by pulling out lots of hats, sunglasses and fake facial hair. We took some pictures of ourselves. They were very funny! We would need them later.


 Monkey Man

Then, we used the photos to make Pokemon cards using a website called My Poke-Card.

Here is the link to the site.

Then we printed the cards, cut them and glued them onto real (but less valuable) Pokemon cards. Then we went outside and practiced on our stilts a little bit more. It was harder because the grass was wet.

Making a stop motion film

Next we made a stop motion movie. We used Lego characters and a kernel of popcorn.  Me and Monkey Man moved the figures around in small movements and Camp Leader snapped away with the camera.  Then she went away and did something with all the pictures on her computer.  We chose the music to add to the film and the title:  Revenge of the Popcorn!

Day 4 zipped by very quickly!

By: Mr.Timbit

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